Legal Risk Management
Risk Management (RM) involves assessing the likelihood of an event occurring that in some way impacts on you or your Business and putting in place appropriate strategies and processes to minimise or avoid the risk.
There can be significant consequences if risks are ignored or not given due attention.
At Greyson Legal, we can assist you in undertaking a Legal Risk Audit. The audit can be specifically focused on one area of risk, or more broadly defined depending on your risk exposure.
A Legal Risk Audit typically involves a number of steps, such as: examination,
identification, analysis, treatment of risk, and ongoing monitoring.
Based on your instructions, we may be involved with:
initially examining your organisational structure
reviewing your internal HR policies and procedures
advising on, revising, or preparing employment agreements or consultancy agreements
advising on or drafting confidentiality and non-compete agreements
reviewing and advising you in relation to your intellectual property, such as, your trade marks and copyright
examining, advising on, or preparing external 3rd party agreements, such as, licensing agreements
reviewing and advising on premises leases or equipment finance
advising you in relation to statutory compliance
assisting you more generally with establishing risk mitigation strategies.
Contact us for a no obligation discussion about how Greyson Legal can assist you with a Legal Risk Audit.